• Neli Garbuzanova Senior Procurement Manager (National Health Service, England); Member of the European Commission Stakeholder Expert Group on Public Procurement
Keywords: whole cycle procurement, public procurement


 In a world where social, environmental and health crises are becoming more common we need to find strategies to respond to sudden changes without compromising important principles such as transparency, integrity and accountability. If every day presents a new crisis, do we end up in a perpetual ‘fire-fighting’ and ‘emergency’ mode or do we adopt an adaptable procurement methodology that helps us swiftly address any challenge?This paper advocates for a dynamic whole cycle procurement model as an effective way to adjust to ever-changing circumstances and remain relevant for the future. The model adopts a holistic approach to public procurement, starting from needs identification and design of successful strategies, building on effective procurement processes and leading to good contracts and ability to review and reflect. The dynamic interaction between the different stages, the suggested key governance checkpoints, as well as the adoption of the ‘right process’ and multidisciplinary perspective are the core themes of the paper.The article synthesises procurement practice and methodologies in a pragmatic, yet comprehensive and engaging way and encourages interdisciplinary dialogue. An important feature of the proposed model is that it is powered by constant flow of feedback and is subject to adjustments when circumstances change, within permissible limits. In addition, it suggesta a distinction between formal checkpoints and informal self-governance at various stages of the cycle.Most importantly, the paper aspires to showcase procurement as an inspiring and dynamic profession rather than a bureaucratic administrative function and offer some practical tips and reflections on how to master the ‘art’ of procurement.


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